Monday, November 24, 2008

Blast From The Past

Salutations World,

Sorry for another lengthy hiatus (blame that on the ridiculous workload handed out by Fox School of Business professors) but I am bizzack with a rather light-hearted post..

So, as I am doing my daily rounds of channel/Internet surfing, I turn to MTV Jams. And low and behold I see a video of one of my childhood idols...MC HAMMER! Yea I said it, when I was 5, I wanted to be MC HAMMER (Either him or Donatello from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles). So I dug into my hammer files, no homo, and pulled out a few videos that should take you down memory lane..

Slight Disclaimer: If you were born after 1990, you may not fully appreciate this post.

Now MC Hammer, next to Michael Jackson and James Brown, had to be one of the greatest show men that the industry has ever seen..

And of course you have classics like..

But I feel Hammer was at his best when he hit his raunchy stage. When he became aligned with Suge Knight, the true MC Hammer came out with one of my childhood favorites..

Man, I wish MC Hammer could have stayed around and been a factor in today's music scene. Just imagine MC Hammer using the "Autotune" effect?!?!?!

Until later,

Happy Turkey Day from RealTalkDC

Peace Out,


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